Sunday, July 15, 2007

day negative 12

today we went to the funerul. the eulogy took nearly 45 minutes and the drive to the burial sight took about 45 minutes for a very short prayer then we drove back to the church for ham buns afterwards we went to my uncles shop to look at his car and othere stuff. then we left for minnesota at 4:00 ish.

I want to finish the semi truck (just need to put on some finishing touches, and polyurethane it)
I want to clean my garage and arrange it as a storage space (because I know my father will)
clean my room to the point that I could move out (mostly the closet)
make Chicago style pizza one or two more times (I'm close to perfecting it)
give Julie my books with a price list
ride down town on a weekday so I can get use to being in a city (I would like to go on wendsday)
email everybody about my blog (mom, dad, julie, kristie, jon, joe, grampa?, grama???, others??)
develop more of a plan as to what I want to do with my life
clean my bikes and get them ready to not be used
clean Jacky (my dog)
I think thats it for personal stuff.......................................
I have to
  • make budget
  • pick plane seats (just one ticket left)
  • tell check card people I'm going abroad (not sure how to do that)
  • get credit card online account (I have to call them)
  • tell credit card people in going abroad (not sure how to do that either)
  • finalize packing list (i think i got it but can't be sure)
  • research bike in Europe options, it appears it would be best to buy a cheap mountain/civilian bike and put nice tires on it
  • get rail pass ( i think i can do this over there)

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