Thursday, August 16, 2007

day 20

i didn't do much yesterday so i'm not gonna bother posting anything about it and today so far has been pretty boring as well so i'm gonna focus on tommarrow. tomarrow i am going to rothen burg with the goethe program. i will eat breakfast pancakes with jelly this time because i realized thay have jelly at breakfast too. and then be at the bus station at 9:00 then i assume we will take a bus to rothenburg. i'm not sure if they will feed me so i will take two hard rolls with me. and i will eat a bigg breakfast and a big dinner if nessessary. i'm not sure whats in rothenburg i think there is a museum or somthing and old buildings. thats every thing that i know about.

windows vista puts spell check in most windows now however the spll check is worse than the one they had before in xp it can''t figure out how to spell "tom marrow" it thinks it is a name. and also it doesn't see any thing wrong with not capitalizing "i" .

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