Sunday, November 4, 2007

day 100

it been 100 days

today allot of stuf has happened
1 i got a registration confermation email. it was missing reading in aquinas (one of my more important classes) so i emailed them. i need a signiture to get in this class but it should not be a problem.
2. got a housing email i have to talk to tim and see if he is still willing to be my rommate
3. got a email regarding SWE tour its to boston this year in may (end of the year) not sure if i wanna go the total cost should be about $200 think it would be a good idea.
4. emailed the registrar about my graduation date and diploma name
5. have to talk to ruthg about the classes i am currently taking.
6. i talked to the house master last night about my sink. he came to my room to check on somthing and then i told him about the sink it didn't seem like a problem.
7. have to talk to him again about internet soon.
8. made lunch with andrea and went for a walk yesterday
9. the weather forcast says a little snow on sunday
10. the u-bahn was packed today. i missed 3 trains because they were all stuffed full of people.
11. have a meeting on the 12th to decide who is gonna make what for thanksgiving dinner (i'm gonna push for mashed potatoes.
12. the drop add period for spring is the 25th i start class on the 22 so i will have plenty of time to add the music groups and the ind. study.
13. i'm having a good day so far, justhave to do home work for german class and i'm set for the rest of the day

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