Sunday, September 16, 2007

day 49

friedrick shiller

day 49

last night i found out that there was a concert in the big church. it was the stuttgart philharmonic and they layed several song many of which i recognized but couldn't put a name to. there was one violin solo piece it was beutiful. when i purchas the ticket i thought i gave the lady ten euros but she gave me 12.50 back (the ticket was 7.50 euro) when i got back tonight i checked my information and i had 10 euro more than i was supose to have so tomarrow i'm gonna go to church and put it in the offering with a post it saying (for stuttgart philharmonic concert 15/9)

i'm going to ludwigsberg today i have an hour before i have to go still not sure what i'm gonna see but it should be a good excersis for my german and i'll try to learn alot.

thats all for this moring.

over all i had a good ay today. i went to the bs station went on the bus and went to marbach and saw the house schiller was born in (it was only alittle better than the museum of that guy who wrote the ice cream truck song( his museum was in a house that that he didn't actually live in but it might look like the one he live in except for the electric lights and the paint and the furtinure and all the stuff in the museum was basically worlds fair memorabilia from the worlds fair that he may or maynot have gone to) this museum was only slightly better it actually was the house he was born in and they had a video and some example of stuff he wrote an a lock of his hair for some reason. then we went to luwigsberg we were given maps and we had 3 hours to do what ever. i decided to go to a park and eat the dinner/breakfast rolls i brought with me for lunch. no sooner than i had finish the first half my roll two men dressed in black pants and white shirts with ties came walking my way. i remember thinking "please be buisness men, please be buisness men. then one of them talked to me "ugghhh missionaries" he said somthing in german i said "nien danke" then he said "aber dieses ist wrichtige" (but this is important) then i said i don't speak good german then he said "ahh do you speak good english (i should have said "was?" (what?) but i said yes) then i found out that they were mormans (great there religion is the easiest to disprove) so i listened to most of his spiele about how great it is that stuff is good and so forth and then he asked me what i knew about mormanism i used the term "magic rocks" on purpose to annoy him. then we discussed true for a while an how if i read the book and ask god to tell me if its true he will tell me it is. (i didn't bite). then he said the book of morman has never been disproven (now was my chance to strike) i asked were the (magical gold plates" were now. he said an angel took them away and so forth (darn it didn't work) so then i compared the bibles liniage and how the texts could be traced back all the way to it happenings and how the book of morman can only be traced back 200 years to the "magical rocks thing" he replied no they are equally old its just that the plates were hiden during that time. and i said ohh yes the magical plates that are no longer in our coporial reality. its kinda hard to authenticate them isn't it? in the end i think it was a draw i stayed christian he was still a morman and more importantly i didn't get a book. happily ever after

what i should have done was asked about the after life and used the "is there any thing god can't do? question" with the multiple god aspect and ask which god is the greatest god and how do you know its yours? after all god has no wives so obviously he is not the greatest one so why do you worship him? when you could worship a more powerfull god of a different world. and expend on all the flaws in polythesism.

all in all it has been a very religious week end so far mormans want me to read their book , osama bin laden wants me to read the karran (osamas latest video) (which i was planning on doing after college anyway), and the catholics gave me ten euro. i can expect the muslims to do somthing tomarrow and maybe the budists will come after me to..

after lunch in the park i walked around the city (there was nothing to do in the city but buy fresh fruit in the farmers market) and loitered by the castle (giant expensive residence hall) until the group came to take a tour of it. dispite not being a castle it was pretty cool the artwork was insiring and the over all design was impresive.

then we rode home and i ate dinner and now i'm here typing.

(p.s. if you ever have a chance to mess around with a mormans head i highly recomend it)

tomarrow i plan to go to the big catholic church to attend a service and repay my debt. i think they start at 10:00 am (lazy catholics always sleeping in) i hope to get in and out with out getting stuck talking to any of them or doing crazy catholic retuels in german. and then do laundry and defrag my computer and run all the checks it has wanted me to do for the past 2 weeks.

1 comment:

Julie VW said...

Hee hee -
Love the part about the Buddists coming after you!

Have a fabulous week brother dear.